Updating the system

It’s been a while since I had to do anything with the system so memory fades.

I would like to audit my system to make sure that the 'Armed Stay" will only arm the outdoor door alarms, glas break, etc. I want to be sure the indoor door window sensors are not armed when we are in “alarm stay” mode. Likewise for indoor motion alarms. Can I do this from the web interface or do I need to do if via the panel? Many thanks

I assume that with central monitoring fire/smoke alarms are set all the time? thanks

I assume that with central monitoring fire/smoke alarms are set all the time?


. I want to be sure the indoor door window sensors are not armed when we are in “alarm stay” mode. Likewise for indoor motion alarms. Can I do this from the web interface or do I need to do if via the panel? Many thanks

You would do this is panel sensor programming for each sensor zone. The sensors that you do not want to have armed while in Stay mode would need to be set with an Interior sensor group.

Motion detectors are generally always programmed this way. They would be sensor group 17.

Doors would be sensor group 16 to only be armed on Away.