Unable to pair z-wave devices

Did you unplug the panel power transformer during this, or did you just remove the wiring from the terminal block and leave the wires energized? You should never do the latter. Always unplug the transformer first before removing or connecting panel power wiring, otherwise there is a high risk of causing a short on the panel board.

Are you saying that your 2GIG Panel Z-wave device list is empty? If you go to Services - Z-wave - Wrench Icon - Installer Code - Advanced Toolbox - View all Devices, do you see any devices listed there? Can you post a photo of what you are seeing? Did you perform a Reset Controller? This would delete all devices from the panel.

Do you have any third party controllers connected? Or is the 2GIG Panel the only controller in the network?

I still see a few devices reported by the panel. Were these recently re-added?

yes…wires were energized. The transformer is in the attic. disconnecting / connecting the transformer is not practical. I considered having a z-wave switch exclusively for the transformer, but I dont know if it will work in all situations.

There were no devices at all in advanced toolbox > View All Devices.

I’ve been slowly adding them

The transformer is in the attic. disconnecting / connecting the transformer is not practical.

Depending on its location I know it can get tedious, but practicality does not lessen or outweigh the importance, and I would urge that you remove power before you re-attach or remove the wiring. Serious damage can occur. If the transformer is not in a location which is accessible, you could instead turn off the breaker feeding the attic receptacle.

I considered having a z-wave switch exclusively for the transformer, but I dont know if it will work in all situations.

The concern here is if the panel is powered down with the Z-wave device turned off, you could not boot the panel back up on battery only and would need to physically flip the switch.