I keep getting emails to turn on my panel wifi but when I look at the panel it looks like the WiFi is already on?
Looking at your account, it appears you may be affected by the same issue reported here:
Your system is communicating out to ADC via broadband fine, but inbound commands aren’t being acknowledged. We are discussing this issue with ADC and Qolsys to investigate the cause.
Currently the only confirmed fix is a factory reset of the panel. I wouldn’t recommend that yet as we are waiting for some info from ADC and Qolsys.
I am receiving the same email. Nothing has changed on my system or my network/wifi. I hope Qolsys is able to find a solution that does not involve a factory reset of the panel.
Thanks, I have sent Qolsys your system logs to help identify the cause. I can confirm your panel is behaving in an identical fashion.
Thank you
Agree. I’d hate to have to reprogram everything. Also would hate for it to recur after that! I’ll wait for a fix. Thanks.
Has this been addressed? Just received another email message regarding the WiFi. Thanks.
There has not been a firmware release since this report was sent and we do not have an update yet, but it was an active investigation. I’ve pinged the manufacturer to see if there is any news.
Looking for updates. WiFi still not working on panels? So we are only getting cell connection?
See the original reply for a description of the effect:
Inbound broadband commands from ADC to the panel fail, but outbound from the panel seem to work. The reported solution for this behavior is a factory reset, and it seems to be caused by the panel or its network adapter.
I’ve sent commands to reinitialize the dual path connection, but it does not look like it had an effect.
You can try updating firmware to 2.7.2, but it has been reported on that version, a new version has not been released yet.
Just to verify currently, what do you see when you try a dual path test from the panel? Settings > Advanced Settings > System Tests > Dual Path wifi
For the dual path test, result is
Wifi communication test timed out. Please try again later.
Have you tried the 2.7.2 update? Any change?
Just updated. Now says tested successfully. Does this mean the problem has been resolved? I’ve noticed the weather information is incorrect and figured it was related to this. That is still incorrect though.
It looks like broadband for you is indeed working now.
Weather forecast to the panel is not included in the Alarm plan or Protect plan. Weather will not sync up so the panel is showing old data.
Weather forecast is included in the Home or Complete plans.
Awesome. Thanks for all the help!