Fire & Security: The weather forecast in your area shows an Extreme Low Temp in the next 12 hours. The Thermostat Target Temp will be automatically decreased -2.0 F, based on this system's Extreme Temp settings, in order to reduce your energy usage during this period.
These small changes will help you reduce your energy usage on days when you are likely to be using a lot of energy. By saving energy you also save money on your energy bill.
Extreme Temp mode is in effect from 10AM to 10PM. On Extreme Low Temperature (COLD) days, it starts at 10PM in the evening and goes until 10AM the following morning.
Well, lets hope they can get the period corrected, there is a big difference between 12 hours and 36 hours. The forecast for my area did in fact not show an extreme low temp within the preceding 12 hours from when the alert occurred. This rule does not in the least save me money or energy.
Wouldn’t it be simpler for that rule to be based on the readings of a physical temp sensor? Not sure if one exists, but seems like it would make it so much easier.
I live right on Lake Michigan. Sometimes, the weather by me is completely different than the weather just a few miles inland. It’s not unlikely to see a 10° difference. I guess too, it would depend on where the forecaster’s sensors are located.
in this case, it isn’t a problem with the forecasted temps, it is a problem with ADC in that the extreme temp setback rule triggers for a 12 hour period approx. 24 hours before the actual forecasted event occurs.
I think its a programming/coding glitch.
For example, if the forecasted low is for SAT, ADC kicks in on FRI evening around 9pm… Problem is, that isn’t the way NWS does the lows. The forecasted low for say SAT is actually the low for early SUN morning (SAT/SUN overnight). So instead of kicking in the extreme temp setback on Friday at 9pm, it should be kicking it in Saturday at 9pm, but isn’t.
Wouldn’t it be simpler for that rule to be based on the readings of a physical temp sensor?
I would think it would be much more acutely accurate, but then that would not be a feature everyone could use, and not necessarily simpler. I would assume sometime down the road that might eventually become an option though.
Yes, I spoke with ADC empower folks about it today and they are doing some testing. Should hear back on Weds.
Are you supposed to hear back from ADC on this today? Since this rule doesn’t work properly I have it disabled. I would like to re-enable it if it ever gets fixed
One tester reportedly was able to recreate what you are seeing. Others were not. Doing some more testing, based on the forecast, Friday morning we should know definitively. I’m trying to find specific NWS documentation on their forecast model, but coming up short so far. I have noticed a bit of deviation in how forecasts are reported in general.
Yes, spoke to the empower folks not long ago. They confirmed another instance of the rule occurring a day in advance and it’s been submitted for a fix.
so what is the cause of the rule triggering 24 hours early? if it has been put in for a fix, then they must be aware of why it occurs. In my case at least, it is consistent.
The empower team member indicated some individuals were unable to corroborate overrides running early, but that two instances were confirmed where it kicked in a day early.
It’s not something we can safely say hits all accounts, but they have a test account where it definitively occurred so it shouldn’t be too hard to pin down.
So what is the status on this bug? Fixed yet? The rest of this week I am looking at below 17° and I would really like to be able to use this Extreme Temp rule.
…also, noticed the “circulate” fan setting still doesn’t work in heat mode (like ADC states it should).
Quote from Jason 11/16/15
...Empower support says that circulate is intended to be available in all modes in the future, and that if you set it to circulate while off, and set your mode back to Heat/Cool, it should remain in circulate fan mode.
As far as circulate goes, indicated it was known to not function as expected and not resolved quite yet. I’ll follow up with the Empower team specifically and see if I can get an ETA.
There is no ETA currently, but the engineers are looking into it. At the current time there is no further update, but I can let you know when we know more.