Trouble with a slim 2gig window sensor

We have had our system for a couple years. Had some troubles with motion sensors due to vents but, besides that the system has been reliable.

We have over the past 3 months had 3 false alarms on one window sensor.

I changed the batteries to all window sensors (18 of them).

The sensor in question is on a south facing window and gets a substantial amount of sun.


What is the distance between the sensor and magnet? What type of material is the sensor adhered to?

If the gap between the sensor and magnet is approaching 1/2 inch, try shortening that gap.

Mounted to Vinyl window edge. Very small gap… probably less than 1/4".

Are you using the included magnet or is it a different magnet from a pre-existing sensor? Also, when batteries were changed, you swapped both of the batteries inside yes?

You could always swap that sensor for a different DW10 in a different location in the home which has showed no false alarm issues. If the same one continues, it is an issue with the sensor. If the new one falses, it is an environmental issue.