I have another thread going in the tech support forum about the feasibility of incorporating a DSC power 1832 hard wired panel with the IQ panel by way of a “takeover module”. I have found out it is possible to do which is great.
I got to thinking that maybe it would be better after all to let them work in tandem rather than blending them. Here is a little background.
My current system is not central station monitored. It has about 12 zones with a mixture of motion sensors and door contacts. It has served us well and has prevented a burglary in the past (The alarm sounded when a burglar opened a door I forgot to lock. They ran away when the siren sounded).
My idea is to leave the system the way it is, not monitored. I would then add the IQ panel with some motion sensors and cameras etc. on the interior of the house to serve as a secondary backup. The iq panel will be have central station monitoring with all the other fancy and cool stuff.
So this gets back to the posts title- “to incorporate a hard wired system with IQ panel or not (that is the question)” What do you guys think?