T-Stat not Showing in History

I have my tstat set on ‘heat only’, 70° from 6am to 11:30pm. At which time it goes down to 67°. I haven’t been getting any alerts on my phone saying it was changing temps for at least two weeks now. Three or four weeks ago I couldn’t stop the alerts from coming in even when there was no change. I wrote a post about that too. Ended up turning schedule off, waiting a day, then turning scheduling back on. Seemed to have fixed the superfluous notifications problem.

I looked at the tstat last night and it did go down to 67°. Just wondering why no alert? I have a notification for that. I just checked and the last time the tstat notification was made for temps changing was on Nov 7th.

ADC rules are currently malfunctioning (again)

It looks like the thermostat notification on your account was created today. Let’s wait and see if you get notified tonight.