Sync Problems with ADC

I am having a couple of synchronization problems with ADC:

  1. After commanding a state change, ADC (website or app) will not show the next state. For example, when currently disarmed and commanding Arm-Stay, my panel will correctly and promptly Arm, but the display on PC or smartphone will remain displaying “Arming” with the circular motion. After a few minutes, the ADC display will show a message “We could not confirm arming state change” and then incorrectly show the current state as “Disarmed” (while panel is actually armed).

  2. All of my sensors except for one are showing in ADC “Sensors” list view correctly (as in named as I’ve typed into panel upon programming). One sensor is showing with a different name, which happens to be the correct name of another sensor in my list, so I am showing a duplicate. Is there a way I can force ADC to do a refresh against my sensors through the panel? I could try removing and adding the sensor in question?


All of my sensors except for one are showing in ADC “Sensors” list view correctly (as in named as I’ve typed into panel upon programming). One sensor is showing with a different name, which happens to be the correct name of another sensor in my list, so I am showing a duplicate. Is there a way I can force ADC to do a refresh against my sensors through the panel? I could try removing and adding the sensor in question?

Sensor name changes in the panel after you’ve initially installed the sensor will not automatically sync with ADC. This is because in ADC you can give the sensors a custom name different or more specific than what is in the panel. Automatic syncs would overwrite this.

If you want to change the name in ADC, it would be best to just manually do that under Settings - Devices. Be sure to save after changing the name.

After commanding a state change, ADC (website or app) will not show the next state. For example, when currently disarmed and commanding Arm-Stay, my panel will correctly and promptly Arm, but the display on PC or smartphone will remain displaying “Arming” with the circular motion. After a few minutes, the ADC display will show a message “We could not confirm arming state change” and then incorrectly show the current state as “Disarmed” (while panel is actually armed).

Well, we are seeing only a few signal strength reports, being a new system, but that signal strength is pretty varied. Have you been moving the panel around? I see initially high signal, but it drops to around 10/31. This is very close to the recommended minimum of 11.

I don’t see any real indication of general issues, signal is a little low but doesn’t appear to affect this, at least outwardly. I do see a period of even lower signaling, so I would double check your two LTE module antenna and be certain that both are attached firmly on the board. Both must be connected.

Commands are otherwise being processed quickly and acknowledged.

I would try testing again to see if you reproduce this now. Note that the panel is currently showing as tampered.

Do you see the same response 100% of the time where the app cannot confirm status now?

I have been able too go through the cell test and setup procedures after moving my communicator to the second panel at my new requested service address. I noticed a couple of differences on the setup of this panel as compared to that of the first.

  1. The logo on my panel’s home screen has not changed from 2Gig to SuretyDIY
  2. I received a message on the panel that includes the customer service phone number, but none that included my ADC login credentials (I don’t need this info, just wondering if part of the normal initial setup handshaking has not yet completed).

The login credentials would not be sent to the panel, nor would the logo be updated, when a panel swap occurs. These are only sent during the initial connection process between the first panel and These issues would not be related to the issues you have described above, although a panel swap may account for changes in signal strength.

Signal strength is much higher now after repositioning the panel in its permanent location and hanging the antenna back in the wall. I only have one antenna as I am using an AT&T 3G communicator. I had initially been working with the panel on the kitchen counter while installing and programming sensors, and the tamper was because I’d left the panel opened up so I could perform power cycles, if needed.

The state problem on ADC website or app still persists with the increased signal strength. Yes, it has happened 100% of the time when using the app or website to change the status/state change. I cannot reliably control the panel remotely as it stands now. Do you have any recommendations of anything else I can try next? Perhaps a reset of my ADC account?

Hmm, if this was a panel swap there may be some initialization commands which did not fully sync with the panel. We’ll have ADC try resending some commands to sync status and let you know when ready to be tested.

Great, thanks. I should have mentioned that I did not have this problem when testing control of the first panel through the ADC website. I’ll await words for testing.

Alright, you can go ahead and do some testing at any time. Let us know how a few tests go.

Looks like everything is working as expected now. Armed/disarmed several times using both the app and website and status is updated promptly and correctly now. Also checked arming/disarming on website and confirmed that status change is reflected in app and vice versa. Thanks very much!

Thank you for confirming. Glad to hear it is resolved!