Switch to SuretyDIY from Brinks Home (LiveWatch)

If I want to switch to SuretyDIY from Brinks Home and keep all my services the same, it appears that the price would be $32.95 for 24/7 Monitoring, Alarm.com interactive and Video? Currently paying $52.95 With Tax from Brinks.

What would the process be to switch? Is there anything I am missing?

Happy to assist! Service through suretyDIY requires an Alarm.com compatible panel as well as unregistered, Alarm.com compatible cellular module.

Which panel do you currently utilize? A list of compatible panels can be found here. You may wish to use this Module Check Tool to confirm the status of your cellular module, when you are ready to switch.

This page here covers how our service works.

Note that only alarm.com compatible video cameras could be utilized through suretyDIY. Which cameras do you currently have? You can find a list of compatible cameras here.

Hi Tyler,
I have the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 along with IQ Remote. I have ADC Skybell and ADC 522IR. I would have to cancel Brinks First then that should open my module back up.

We cannot speak to the policies of other service providers, you will want to contact them for more information.

The cellular module would need to be unregistered prior to signing up for service through suretDIY. Once you are ready, you can use the Module Check Tool to confirm that it is unregistered.

Service through suretyDIY can be purchased here. Note, in order to utilize Alarm.com cameras, the Cloud Video add on would be required. A breakdown of features, pricing, and add ons can be found via the previous link.