Strongest wireless door sensor

What would you suggest being the strongest wireless door sensor for reliability for distance? Vera? 2gig dw10? Resolution product RE201t? Honeywell Mighty Mouse? Honeywell 5816? Other options? Already have the resolution product repeater setup too.

There’s not really an applicable power level difference (mighty mouse style, smaller sensors will typically show problems before others)

The sensor should be chosen for its application.

Interior door/window is fine with DW10 or any of the choices above.

Unregulated temp areas should use RE201 or 5816OD.

Outdoor specifically or anywhere dipping below 0 degrees should use 5816OD.

One sensor is not terribly better than the other, with all things equal, when faced with the same environmental challenge (like signal weakening due to metal surroundings.) Smaller sensors and those with external antennae that might touch metal surface typically perform the worst in that circumstance.

In a typical home environment, the Resolution products repeaters are powerful enough that you should very suddenly have zero problems if signal issues were only a matter of distance or intervening walls.