Stream Video Recorder Not Booting Up

My SVR (ADC-CSVR2000P) will no longer boot past the “Starting Service Local” message. I’ve tried to reset it to no avail. Has anyone had this happen?

When did this behavior start? I do not see the device on your account currently. Did you delete it as a troubleshooting step or did this issue start happening after that?

Have you tested booting it up without the hard drive connected?

The previous WD Purple drive I had installed stopped being recognized, so I replaced it with another 14TB drive. It was after this replacement that I noticed the issue. While troubleshooting, I also removed the SVR to isolate the problem. I’ll test the system without the drive and provide an update.

One thing that could help is factory defaulting the SVR. You can do this by pressing the reset on the back for about 15 seconds. The light should start flashing red. When that happens you can release and just wait a couple of minutes for it to fully boot up.

Thanks for the assistance. It turns out the new drive was actually bad as well. I isolated it to the first and second SATA connections and anytime it was connected with the other or by itself it would get stuck at the same boot area. Removed it and the other drive had no problem booting to the login screen.

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Thank you for confirming!