Stopped receiving video push notifications

I continue to receive push notifications for other alerts such as doorbell motion, door lock and unlock, and open doors and windows. I was getting video motion notifications from my ADC-728PF security camera but after my most recent plan renewal, I stopped receiving notifications for video motion alerts.

I am seeing video analytics notifications going out this morning, however it looks like you may have reinstalled a camera to troubleshoot, is that correct?

The first steps in this case if you notice it occurring would be to check the recording rule to make sure it is still active, the rule may be paused.

If the recordings are still happening but notifications aren’t being received, double check your rule parameters. While the camera will record any activity triggering it, the notifications are sent based on selected object detection. If you select Person and Vehicle only for example, you won’t receive any notification if the software does not detect it is a person or vehicle, if it gets labeled other.

Yes I removed the device from my account and then re-added it and configured the recording rules which fixed the problem. It seems to be working as intended now. My previous troubleshooting involved removing the push devices and disabling push notifications and then reconfiguring the push devices and push notifications but that didn’t work.

Looks like the last notification before the gap was sent on 6/29, then a couple days of no video push notifications. If that occurs again, double check the upload quota to see if you may have hit the upload limit for the month as well.

If the uploads are still occurring but no notification is being sent out, double check that the events match the notification rule (for example if you only get notifications of people, did the clips get identified as person recording?)

I’ve had a few issues issues with video notification in the last couple months. One lasted more than a day. The other lasted maybe half a day. I’m guessing issues with If it happens more I’ll report it again.

If you notice more issues with it, let us know the date and time when you noticed the notifications stopped, we can look into the event history to see if there were any particular errors.

I’m experiencing this now and reported the issue yesterday to support.

So that we can best assist can you confirm the effect you are seeing? I am seeing notifications going out normally for video devices with the possible exception of the Side Door camera.

Can you confirm if any other camera is affected? Have you tried rebooting that camera? Try turning off the rule for that camera, wait 5 minutes, then re-enable.

I’m experiencing this same issue again. No changes in my settings and I’m not receiving video notifications for my front yard. My usage is well within the allocated amount for the month.

Looking at your history it does not appear this is an issue with push notifications specifically. Notifications are set in your recording rule to go out when a person, vehicle, or animal is detected. Notifications will not go out if analytics does not identify one of those in the clip.

Since 7/25, all clips are listed as “Other” type. People, vehicles, or animals were not identified in the clips since then, and the clips would not generate notifications.

You can edit your recording rule to generate a notification for all recordings, even those listed as “other” by going in to Video > Recording Rules and editing that rule.

If there is an issue with analytics identifying objects, so that we can best assist, can you identify a couple recent timestamps of recordings from that camera which were marked as other but were actually a person or vehicle which caused the recording?

Thank you for the response I didn’t realize the camera analytics weren’t working. The following timestamps for today, 7/31, should be detecting a person or vehicle but they are being classified as other:

Ok, so there have been a lot of recent examples.

Let’s try this first, when you are on site and able to test, reboot the camera, then go into on a web browser and navigate to Video and Settings. Select the camera from the select box, then go through the Video Analytics Calibration option to recalibrate the camera.

Does that alone have any impact?

I’m having this issue again. I know that has connectivity with my system because the doorbell video history is showing the in the app and I can view it. However, I am not getting push or emails today. This makes me think the issue is and its system sending push and emails.

However, I am not getting push or emails today. This makes me think the issue is and its system sending push and emails.

I see five instances of video analytics person notifications going out to Push devices and email contacts this morning on your account for the Side Door camera, including two within the last 5 minutes or so.

So that we can be of assistance, can you confirm which notifications you are referencing that are not being received? If it is a portion of events that aren’t received, would you mind adding the time that the event occurred?

You have a 3 minute minimum delay set between notifications in your recording rule. If testing repeatedly you will only get notifications for events at least 3 minutes apart.

Can you see a Push and Email sent for the side door event from 7:39am eastern? I didn’t receive an email notification OR a push notification for the 7:39am triggered recording (motion/human).

I see that recording however that particular recording was not identified by analytics as a Person, it shows up as an Other type recording in your saved video clips. The analytics notification for that doorbell only generates a notification for person detection and packages.

Was that recording triggered by a person? We are not able to view video clips, I can only tell they exist. Is it mostly a full body in frame? Is the person walking across, from the left or right, or are they walking directly toward or away?

Yes, generated by movement. Car and then there is a person getting out of the car and walking past the camera (next to door) and through the door. Basically, arriving home.

I have a person detection rule and a detection rule that should notify via push and email.

The clip says “Camera triggered”. The person wasn’t identified for some reason, but I have many many of these same recordings as its the person coming home. All very routine. If I have a camera triggered event and the recording how can I get it to push a notification and email that a recording was made. Seems like a weird issue. Something happened and there was a recording, but I didn’t get notified. If the object and person recognition is that bad I want a fail safe notification.

how can I get it to push a notification and email that a recording was made. Seems like a weird issue.

The VDB770 only has options for notifications based on Person or Package detection.

Other non-doorbell video devices let you select between Person, Animal, Vehicle, or Other, selecting all of them results in notifications for every event. But the VDB770 can only be set for Person and Package notifications at this time.

I’ve actually sent this feedback to ADC in the past, I would agree doorbells should have the same capability of notifying on every recording regardless if desired. I’ll send this again as another request on your bahalf.

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Thanks. The video has a very obvious person in it and it did not recognize the person. So, a person arrived and walked past the camera without a notification. That’s a problem. Thank you for recognizing that and taking action to provide feedback without requiring me to prompt that action. Appreciate it.