Smoke sensor repeatedly going off

Hi, I am away from my house - the person there called me to tell me that one of the smoke sensors was chirping every 45 seconds (low battery?) I just changed the batteries yesterday and know that those are brand new (I tested them before installing) - so not sure why it started chirping today.

She pressed the hush/test button but that didn’t do anything so she tried to take it out off, but wasn’t sure how to. Before she got it off, it triggered, and kept triggering. It reported 26 alarms in 7 minutes. She finally got a hold of me and I told her how to remove it and pull the batteries. I am going to delete that sensor from the system until I return.

My big question is what would have caused that sensor to freak out? I know the test button didn’t cause that, and there was nothing environmentally that would hav triggered it. How would trying to remove it cause it to go off so many times?

And why was it chirping in the first place, about 12 hours after I installed new batteries?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


It’s possible instead of a low battery that the chirping was indicating a dirty sensor or an internal fault. These would better explain the behavior.

Delete it from the panel, then power the detector up and check the LED flash sequence.

Does the Yellow LED flash every 4 seconds, every 8 seconds, or every 12 seconds?

4 is an internal fault and generally needs replaced.
8 is a dirty sensing element.
12 is low battery.

Ok, we will remove it from the panel and then I will troubleshoot it when I return and I will report back.

Thank you.