Smoke Detector Offline

In the past week one of my smoke detectors is occasionally going offline and coming back online sporadically. I did remove power from it and that hasn’t resolved the issue. Can you see anything on the backend to provide further indication of the issue? Placement has not changed and nothing new has been introduced into the environment. I am not sure if battery replacement would help, or perhaps if the detector needs replacement. Thanks.

If range and location/materials are definitely not an issue, then other factors might be at play. Smoke detectors often throw offline supervision malfunctions when an issue is present on the unit, such as a dirty sensing element, internal fault, or upon expiration of the device.

What is the model number of this smoke detector?
Does the detector itself beep periodically?
What is the replace by date printed on the detector?

If all else looks ok, I would replace the battery first.

It is an Interlogic TX-6010-01-1. It is not beeping. I will have to check the date code. Is there anything on this model that can be cleaned?

That is an older discontinued model, so it is possibly expired. Be sure to check the date, usually called Replace By or Expiration Date on a sticker on the device.

Device cleaning instructions from the manual are below, but check if expired first.