Smoke and CO Detector Listener for 319.5 IQ4


I recently purchased the Firefighter SLX-AD-T3 smoke detector listener module as my home already has hardwired and interconnected smoke/CO detectors. In the instructions I noticed that the Firefighter only picks up T3 alarms (3 beeps) and won’t react to T4 alarms (4 beeps).

My detectors use 3 beeps for smoke, and 4 for CO. Is there a different sensor that would be able to pick up both alarm types? Or one that is specific for T4 alarms? I see there are some for the 345 MHz panel, but we have the 319.5 MHz which I believe there is no way to make work?

Any ideas on how to have our panel detect the smoke and CO alarms?

Thanks in advance!

The 319.5MHz FireFighter only works with wired smokes, it does not listen for the T4 cadence from Carbon Monoxide.

There is not an Audio Detector like the FireFighter in 319.5MHz that listens to both T3 and T4. Only the 345Mhz device from 2GIG does this.

For Carbon Monoxide, you would need separate wireless carbon monoxide detectors. like the IQ Carbon or PowerG PG9933