SkyBell Problems - Can anyone help?!?!

I wanted the SkyBell immediately when it came out to solve a particular problem in my neighborhood, and I am paying the price for rushing things.

My SkyBell was working fine until about 3 weeks ago. Then suddenly it was off the network.
There have been no changes to my network, and all other devices are working fine with the network. Signal strength at SkyBell location is 98%. SkyBell is located about 20 feet from router.

I figured it was not a big deal since resynchronization is supposed to be easy.I could not have been more wrong.

I have spent DAYS trying to fix it. Things I have tried:

  1. Factory reset and resync using app.
  2. Purchased new doorbell and transformer (one recommended by the SkyBell site) in case it was a power issue. It wasn’t. Transformer putting out a solid 16v.
  3. Power cycle, left power off all night, reconnected next morning, waited 2 hours for the SkyBell to fully charge. Then put SkyBell in Access Point mode and tried to configure/sync with app.
  4. Followed every single troubleshooting recommendation on SkyBell site with no success.
  5. Called SkyBell support and was told they could not help me because it is an model.
  6. Called my dealer and they told me they would not provide support because they do not sell the SkyBell at this time. I purchased the SkyBell in early June from another dealer before anyone (including Surety) had it for sale.
  7. Called support and was on the phone with them for over an hour. Their conclusion was that I should get a warranty replacement.
  8. Tried to reach the dealer from whom I purchased the SkyBell, but they will not respond to emails or calls (poor choice of dealer on my part).
  9. Created a new 2.4 b/g/n network segment explicitly for the SkyBell, matching the recommended network settings from the SkyBell troubleshooting recommendations. I’m a software engineer and am very familiar with WiFi/TCP network configuration.
  10. Swapped out the router.
  11. Factory reset the SkyBell about a million times and tried to sync with app.

The app detects the SkyBell, but in the next step it detects no WiFi networks. I have tried manually entering the SSID and password. No joy.

At this point my SkyBell that worked flawlessly for almost 4 months is a brick. Needless to say I am frustrated as @#$#@!.

Is there anyone out there who has an idea I can try?
Is there a way to get a warranty replacement SkyBell from another dealer?

Hoping someone can help.

Called support and was on the phone with them for over an hour. Their conclusion was that I should get a warranty replacement.

ADC support would be an authority on this model, so if they suggest warranty replacement it’s probably going to be necessary.

Tried to reach the dealer from whom I purchased the SkyBell, but they will not respond to emails or calls (poor choice of dealer on my part).

If it is a situation which a warranty replacement is necessary, check the vendor’s site for any info on warranty offered. While we cannot influence another dealer’s policy, I understand the frustration.

Is there anyone out there who has an idea I can try?

Given everything you have stated, I very highly doubt this is the case, but just to be thorough and check: is Wifi enabled on your phone?

Having Wifi off would cause a failure to connect to the Skybell network at the exact step described.

Beyond that, the steps are slightly different on Android and IOS. Which are you using for setup?