Siren continues after disarming

The alarm was tripped for the first time. The siren continued to sound even after entering the disarm code. I was able to turn of the siren by pressing the button on the bottom of the siren but that doesn’t seem normal. Why did this happen and how can I fix it so it doesn’t happen again?

Sounds like you are referring to an external siren, right? Is it the Z-wave siren?

How far away is that Z-wave siren from the panel? It looks like it is the only Z-wave device you are using, so range is going to have more of an impact and may cause dropped commands.

Yes, it is a zwave siren. it is not that far away, its in the next room over. I will move the siren closer and test.

You will want to clear the siren and re-enroll back into the panel if this happens.

To test, run a siren test in system test - panel test - siren and see if the device does the same thing.

I moved the siren closer to the panel and just ran the siren test you suggested and it worked successfully.

I had the same issue here, not sure of you have the same siren:

For me, the panel is within 15 ft of the siren, in the other room, but z-wave can be flakey no matter the distance. I rarely get alarms, so not sure if this is a one off. If it happens again, I was hoping to try the siren test again so that is send signals to the siren to turn on and off. But, if it happens again, than probably another issue at hand.

Anytime you add/remove a z-wave device, you will want to run a Z-Wave network Rediscovery as well.

If the z-wave siren repeatedly fails to shut off after disarming the system, it may need to be replaced.

it only happened once so i will monitor it.