Sorry to hear you are having issues but I am happy to help!
Why is Surety asking for a one-time password to log in to my account now? It says to use my one-time password app to get the PW, but from where? i never saw this come up.
This means that you enabled 2 Factor Authentication on your Surety account. 2FA is enabled in the account settings.
2FA instructions are linked in the account page. I am adding them here too.
I can disable this for you if you did not set up the 2FA app when enabling 2FA. Would you like me to disable 2FA now?
when i set up the panel i was able to auto learn a few sensors. now when i try adding more i have an error at the bottom of the screen that says “it is not possible to enroll an image sensor on this panel since the hardware necessary is not present.” How do i fix this?
That message is just a default warning that Image Sensors cannot be added because there is no Image Sensor daughterboard. It is not an error that needs fixed, and it doesn’t stop you from enrolling anything.
That is the auto-learn page, and it is where you need to be to learn in devices. Simply navigate to that screen, then trip a sensor to pair it. The panel will prompt you to program that zone, then you can move to the next zone.
do i need to add it two times - once as shock sensor under loop 1 and again under loop 2 as a “window/door-multifunction”?
Loops are used on Honeywell devices to differentiate the signal source when a device has multiple functions. The sensor would be learned in twice, once with each loop. You do not need to trip the shock portion to learn it in as a shock sensor, you can just tamper the sensor or manually type in the TXID, and select the appropriate loop.