Sensor showing open but it's closed

A few days ago I removed the cover from a 2GIG DW10 Thin Door Window Contact to determine how many batteries it contained.

After I reinstalled the cover I noticed that sensor has been showing an “OPEN” condition ever since.

I’ve removed and replaced the cover several times and I’ve cycled the window open and closed several times and the sensor does not report this condition.

Did I fail the sensor simply by opening it? That would have been required to change the batteries.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, in advance.


Looks like you are using a 2GIG GC2e E series panel.

Is that sensor a standard DW10 or is it the E series encrypted DW10? They look the same, would need to check the label.

One thing that trips users up at times with 2GIG E-series equipment is that 2GIG has unique equipment codes for E-series which much be used instead of the regular version in programming, otherwise the sensor cannot report correctly.


I’m not completely sure on what type of sensor this is but I’m certain it was working properly until I removed the cover to see how many batteries were installed.

It’s been installed in its current location fit at least 2 years and working and reporting properly until now.

Now it’s just reporting and open condition.

Hope this helps.

Did you remove one of the batteries and re-insert it? It is possible one of the batteries is loose in the tray or if it was reinserted make sure it is the correct polarity.

Even if it was not removed, one may have been loosened from opening the sensor. I would try removing them, then reinstalling the batteries, making sure it is firmly seated, then close the sensor and test.

Thanks for this tip.

I did as you suggested.

The panel is recognizing a tamper every time I remove the sensor from its base.

It also recognized me removing the batteries from the sensor.

I might add here it’s not the panel that thinks this sensor is open, it’s the web interface and the mobile app. The panel always arms successfully without saying “bypass” like it does when a door or window is open by accident.

I’m sorry I was not more specific about this in my first post.

What is the name of the sensor in programming?

When the sensor is tripped, does ADC update the status?