Anyone else have problems with zwave window sensors reporting low battery when cold? This is an ongoing problem in the winter, the window sensors report low battery daily until the weather warms up. Yes I have changed batteries multiple times.
I could live with it if the GC3 didn’t beep constantly until acknowledged.
Extreme cold can affect battery levels, but generally I would expect that from a sensor installed in a location it does not support, like an indoor rated sensor on an outdoor window (like a garage window, etc.)
FYI, GC3 sensors are 345 Mhz, not Z-wave.
Outdoor rated sensors would be recommended if that is not a temperature controlled environment where it is installed.
They are window contact sensors located inside the house on the window frame and I had zwave on my mind all weekend, they are the 345 MHz sensors of course.
We fought this all last winter, no problems all summer, then changed batteries for winter again and now it is happening again.
It gets below freezing outside but then it heats up during the day and the low battery condition goes away.