I’ve set my thermostats to turn off when any sensors are left open for ten minutes. The rule works just fine, but I expected the thermostats to turn back on after the sensors have been closed. This did not occur and I had to turn them back on manually. Is this working as designed or do I need to create another rule to turn them back on?
It will (or should) restore to the appropriate mode, and it looks like in history the restoral was acknowledged, but the thermostat did not respond.
It looks like these are CT30 Tstats, is that correct? They are showing as having been learned in on battery power. You may want to remove and re-add them while they are connected to 24Vac from HVAC so that they are not using FLiRS mode. If learned in on battery they will essentially be in power save mode for much of the time, and will not operate as repeating nodes, which can be detrimental to communication.
I have no idea what model of thermostats they are. They are branded as Vivint and were installed by them. As far as I know, they only run on battery power. When I pull the batteries to change them they lose power. I can look at the model number if you can tell me where they may be located. Maybe on the back? I’ll have to determine how they are mounted.
Here is the install guide for the CT30. That is the model that is being reported to the ADC backend.
To power the Tstat off the HVAC, it requires a 5 wire configuration, using the C terminal.
An alternative to improve communication is to add additional repeating units to the network, it looks like there is only one currently.
Your link is not working for me, but I can do a web search I’m sure and find it. There is a fifth wire that they did not connect. I checked with my voltmeter and it’s putting out 16VAC, so I may be able to connect it. I’ll check the install guide to see if it lists the voltages. Thanks.
Well, I connected that wire to the C connection, but it doesn’t appear to power the thermostat. It still needs the batteries, so I guess it isn’t for powering the thermostat. Not sure what it’s for then. Should I disconnect it again? What does it look like on the back end?
After further investigation, it would appear that that wire is not connected to anything in the furnace. I should be able to connect it COM 24 volt connection and get power to the panel. Still odd that I’m getting voltage off a disconnected wire. Maybe the batteries are going bad in my voltmeter.
If it is AC power and you connect between R and the open C, you will see a strange lower voltage reading on many meters. But yes, you should see 24VAC. It would need to be connected to the C terminal on the furnace. (Some are labeled differently, like Trane, consult your manual in order to be sure)
Make sure to cut power to the HVAC prior to any wiring changes.
Will do. Looks like the rules are working the way they should, but I’m going to hook 'em up so they’ll be functional as repeaters. Thanks for all the help.
I’ve got the thermostats now connected to the common 24V of the furnace. They are now powered without batteries. Thanks so much for pointing this out Jason. Are they functioning as repeaters now? Is there a way I can determine this rather than have you check on the back end?
They will only act as repeaters if they are learned into the network while on AC power. Unfortunately whether they operate in FLiRS or not is determined entirely by when they are learned into the network, so you would need to remove and relearn them.
Ugh, okay. I’ll research how to do that. Thanks.
This page goes over Z-wave installation and tips.
To Remove a device:
Services - Z-wave - Wrench Icon - Installer Code - Remove Devices: While the panel is looking for devices to remove, perform the pair procedure on the t-stat.
When adding, make sure the panel and t-stat are within a few feet (panel can be run on battery) and perform the same sequence, only use Add Devices. Leave the panel and T-stat nearby for a couple minutes to ensure all info is passed correctly, and then move to the next.
Thanks Jason. I need to update my panel firmware so I may as well do them at the same time since I have to unplug it anyway. I appreciate the help.
I’m unable to remove the thermostats from the panel. When I select to remove a device it sits at discovering devices, finds nothing, then exits back to the z-wave toolbox. This happens both on A/C power and on battery backup a few inches from the thermostat. Any tips?
Services – Z-wave – Wrench Icon – Installer Code – Remove Devices: While the panel is looking for devices to remove, perform the pair procedure on the t-stat.
Pressing remove devices only puts the panel into a state listening for devices to clear from their network link. You have to perform the pair procedure at the device you want to clear the same as though you were adding them.
Sorry. I misunderstood. I thought it would provide a list after scanning. I feel like a dunce. Thanks for the clarification Jason.
Not a problem, no need to apologize! The panel does not make it very clear what it is doing at that time.