Sensor Alarm Signal Lost

One of my sensors tripped an alarm today and the Central Station did not receive a signal. What can I do to troubleshoot?

Looks like this is a hardwired sensor connected to a 2GIG Panel?

Unfortunately we cannot remotely confirm the programming of the hardwired zones, making it harder to diagnose, but from your account history it looks like the issue is programming.

For that sensor Zone, it is most likely that Sensor Reports are marked as (0) Disabled. These should be enabled.

Enter system configuration and skip to wired sensors. Scroll to the applicable sensor, then press the down arrow until you get to Sensor Reports. Mark that as enabled, then exit saving changes.

After that, call the central station and place your system on test mode with the central station, then set off an alarm from that sensor. You can then confirm with central station operators that a signal was received.