SEM210 Problems

I recently upgraded from a PC1616 to a PC1832 DSC panel. After the change over my ADC module doesn’t seem to be communicating with my panel. The web site says the radio is responding. The key bus is wired correctly, just like before, but no communications. Is there a refresh command I have to used to re establish communications?

SEM units are set up using the existing installer code on the alarm system. In order to communicate with the panel it is connected to, it must be able to use that installer code to access the panel via the bus terminals.

Try setting the panel’s installer code to that of your prior panel, then reboot the system and let us know. We’ll try running a couple status commands to sync.

The installer code is the same “5555”.

If it is the same you may still need to make that change while the SEM is installed. Try editing the installer code, then changing it back locally to 5555. Afterward power cycle the system and see if the SEM enters a zone scan.

I re entered the installer code and rebooted the system with out any luck? help!

Can you verify that you have power cycled the SEM as well? Make sure all power is pulled from it, it will need to be power cycled as well.

What light pattern do you see on the SEM L1 LED? (number of flashes)

There is no light pattern, nor is it RED. Yes complete system power down including the SEM. Do they fail?

Well, if there was an issue with wiring or a module fault I would expect LED L1 to flash. The SEM module is signaling to The issue is it is not communicating with the panel, presumably. To be 100% sure, can you take a photo of the wiring at the SEM and the wiring at the panel and post here?

Another thing to look at: Verify the master code is not a duplicate or the same as an existing user code.

The DSC PowerSeries will treat sequential codes as duplicates. For example, if the master code is 1234, the panel will perceive user codes of 1235 or 1233 as duplicates or the same as the master code, thus preventing a zone scan.

If the master code is the same as an existing user code, change the master code, then power cycle the panel.

Lastly do you have any of the following products installed with the new panel:


These models of DSC products which connect to the keybus are incompatible with the SEM.

Out of respect, I am sharing what happened. I double checked the wiring and found we had more that the ADC module on a key bus run. (It worked with the PC1616V4.6). Ran a “home run” line to the ADC from the panel and all is well. All the codes were the same as the codes in the old panel. Thank You again for You help and understanding.

Ah, thank you for following up! Actually surprised that it functioned as expected that way on the prior panel, although I have not tried wiring multiple bus devices on the same wiring. I am guessing you were sharing power wires. It is definitely best practice to use a dedicated four wire cable for each bus device. I’m glad to hear this was resolved!