Self Monitoring in Florida - How well does it work

Edit: Changed title to reflect the State of Florida.

I’m curious if there are any users out there that do self monitoring of their service.Currently I’m with a dealer in which my contract will be done in a few months. Unfortunately, since suretydiy does not have central monitoring, I’m exploring all my options. Personally, I really like Suretydiy. Your forums are awesome and I used them extensively since I’m more of a power user. Your posts about using other controllers (such as Vera were extremely helpful). I been successfully filling the gap between that and my Simon Xti

I’m considering going self monitoring. I mostly work at home, so I think I am good with that. But what I am thinking about is what if I am away from home and I catch someone breaking into my house. I don’t consider this happening, but you never know. I have a Ring doorbell (will probably switch to Skybell for support.) I’m assume I would call 911 and tell them I see someone breaking into my home. And just call non emergency if I don’t see anyone breaking into my home. Just wondering what the response time would be? Granted I know this is more of a YMMV. But are there any other users using self monitoring and actually had an emergency? And if so, how is your experience?

Unfortunately, since suretydiy does not have central monitoring, I’m exploring all my options.

We do indeed provide 24/7 Central Station Monitoring. The only exception currently is Florida. 24/7 central station monitoring is offered to residents in the state of Florida.

Our service plans and details can be found here.

Self monitoring is more reliant on notifications, and response time is largely decided by the your location and authority having jurisdiction.

In general, being able to indicate visual verification will typically result in priority response for the AHJ. Cameras are always a good addition.

Sorry forgot to add that I was in Florida. I knew that you had it everywhere, but in Florida. I was getting all excited to switch until I saw that it wasn’t available in Florida. I was just curious if anyone in Florida had personal experience of self monitoring.

Sorry forgot to add that I was in Florida.

No worries, just want to clarify in case.

I’ve been with Surety DIY for almost a year now, live in Florida, have a very basic setup (compared to others on these forums), 3 camera’s covering all areas of the house, sensors on all windows and all points of entry, motion detectors, smoke detector, both front door and garage can be open/closed remotely and cameras set to record on alarm activity. The self monitoring has worked great for me, notifications are almost instant and have not failed me yet. I believe to key to it is the right equipment and rules set up correctly. That’s just my two cents, I love the system and all the automation. In fact, I’m so happy with Surety/ that I just ordered the new GC3 panel to play with, it’s not really much use to me until the new firmware with wi-fi enabled gets released but I’d like to see how much nicer the UI is. Any other questions feel free to reply.