Screen Issues on 2GIG GC2

I have a friend that I installed a 2gig gc2 panel for about 4 months ago and it is acting up. The touch screen is messing up. I have recalibrated the touch screen 3 times and it will fix it for a while.

I would like to rma to 2gig. How would I do that? Also when I switch it out with a new panel can I have yall backup the settings and have it download them on the new panel?

The touch screen is messing up. I have recalibrated the touch screen 3 times and it will fix it for a while.

Can you post a clip or photos of the issues you are seeing? That would help a lot with troubleshooting a screen issue.

One thing to keep in mind (something I’ve seen as a problem in a number of circumstances) is that with the 2GIG panel resistive screen, you really want to keep the point of contact with the screen as small as possible. This means always using fingertips. I’ve seen a lot of errant button presses and unresponsive code input come from pressing the screen as though giving a fingerprint, with the flat underside of the finger used instead of the very tip.

I would like to rma to 2gig

You would want to handle warranty info through the seller. Was this item purchased through suretyDIY? If so our general return and warranty policy can be found here.

Also when I switch it out with a new panel can I have yall backup the settings and have it download them on the new panel?

The subscription owner would need to request this through

Yes, a backup can be run of existing sensors and system programming. This can be applied to a new panel, however a few steps need to be followed in order to ensure the best chance of success:

– Let us know you would like a backup run. Our team will confirm when a backup has been run of current settings.
– Power down old panel, install existing module into new panel.
– Let us know you are ready to push settings.
– We’ll confirm when the restore is initiated.
– Then power up the new panel with module and antenna. (do not power up the new panel before the restore is pushed)