Schedules Executed at Wrtong Time

I have 3 Schedules “Landscape Lighting” “Scone and Pillars” "Cabinet Light

They all turned on at 1:54 Pm 2:30 and 2;39 pm

This is way ahead of the scheduled time which is around sunset.

I checked my Pane;l and the time is right.

Schedules also did NOT go on aroudn the sunset time as prgrammed

UPDATE. Lights turned off at correct time. Lights turning on at incorrect time problem is still outstanding.

Can you help me figure out why and help me fix. Rules look correct on my end

May have to reset all the schedules with ADC like you did last time?

This is actually a known bug with ADC rules at the moment. I’m reaching out to ADC to send some rules rebuild commands which have cleared this up for other users.

I’ll let you know when they send it. has sent those commands to the system. Let us know if you are still seeing the sunset issues later

My Rule of Hal Lights is not executing properly. It seems like its just this rule.

Its set to execute only hafter sunset, but seems to be executing despite this

Hall issue was fixed. My error. I created a duplicate rule

Thank you for confirming

I made changes to schedules and they did not execute at scheduled times again.

Can you please re-upload like you did before?

Could you resend upload my schedules and confirm? You may have thought this post was a duplicate to the other post with the same title by a different person.

Just wanted to make sure this gets done. Other wise it may malfunction until Monday as you are closed over the wekeeknd

Yes, we see this. Currently waiting on a call back from so that this can be completed, along with a couple other users.

Those commands have been sent. Allow about 20 minutes before testing.

Thank you. T his seems to have solved it.

Haw ADC solved this issue? I am afraid to adjust schedules as I am afraid it will mess things up when I adjust times

It is not resolved yet, no. ADC is investigating to determine the source of the issue. If you do notice it failing again, let me know.