Remove Phones From Account

Every time I’ve had to install a ROM on this Android phone, ADC site doesn’t remove the old one. So there’s 'Nexus, Nexus(1), Nexus(2), etc. all the way to 6 or 7.

I’m not even sure which one is the live one so I can receive push notifications (can’t get texts since I’m on Project Fi wireless).

Is there a way for them (or me) to take the non-active phones off the site?

You can delete Push Devices that are no longer active on the Users page. Click the edit button next to push devices, then you can delete individual devices from the list on the edit page.

I did that last month, but they came back. There was only one phone (one of the bad ones) listed under the Users page.

I noticed I also have geo-fencing on and the phones were listed there too. I had to click on each one I wanted to remove on the geo-services page which would then allow me to delete/edit it from there.

Thanks Jason.

Hey Jason,

I accidentally deleted the Push Devices user in my ADC account. I cannot add it back so that it will allow me to manage push devices. How do I fix that?


Disable push notifications in your app. Wait five minutes, turn them back on in the app.

A device should populate in ADC

Wouldn’t a tab for active/non-active devices be simpler? When something device-wise changes I have to remember 10 steps rather than going to a page & hitting delete or turn a device on or off.

I’m currently having a problem where my device shows up as a push device but it’s grayed out (on pause).

I think that is a sound idea. It’s something I’ll mention next time I’m speaking with our rep.

As far as your device being grayed out, have you gone to Security->Users->Push Devices->and Toggle the on/off switch for that device? That should enable the device.

That worked, thanks!

Yes, a tab would certainly make this easier and cleaner.

As far as your device being grayed out, have you gone to Security->Users->Push Devices->and Toggle the on/off switch for that device? That should enable the device.

I don’t have this option! I have an option to add my number under my name for SMS alerts but since ADC doesn’t support Project Fi there’s no use even putting my number there because I won’t receive any alerts.

The only way I do, is via Push.

It won’t be listed under your user listed on the users page. One of the users is labeled “Push Devices” do you not see that in your list?


Here’s the new email/SMS gateway for Project Fi:

Users can now receive text messages via email AND send text messages to an email. People can send Project Fi customers a text from email by sending to <fi number> In addition, Project Fi users can send an SMS to an email address and it will be received as from: <fi number>

Can’t ADC add support for text msgs now?

Well that sounds promising. I’ll check with ADC to see if there is movement on this.