Remote temperature sensors

Any update on the release of the remote temp sensors? I see the app seems to have support already.

Yes, the remote temp sensors have officially launched from ADC. They should be available for purchase soon. The RTS requires an ADC-T2000 and for 2GIG, firmware 1.13 for full functionality.

is there a part number or name that i should be looking for that will work?

It is a single product. Those details will be known when they begin to ship. We will update this thread.

A couple of sites already have it posted I guess they will go on sale soon.


They seem not to look like what we all expected. Can’t wait to grab a couple for the house to test out.

The remote temperature sensors will match the ADCT2000 aesthetics. They look somewhat like a mini version of it.

I’m a little confused about this, are these intended to enable individual room temperature control? If so, have they released smart registers too?


Individual room control is not available at this time. They are more intended to help capture the whole home temp rather than a single room where the thermostat is located. You will be able to set target temps based on home averages, create notifications for rooms, etc.

Any ETA on individual room control? Or, could I set up rules with 3rd party Z-wave register controls?

No ETA. Not sure on the Z-wave registers. I’ll look into that today and see if I can get any info.

There is no information on register control in the pipeline. The panel manufacturers would need to add support first, I’d wager.

Thanks for looking into it. I agree it does not seem feasible with ADC today. I could imagine a scenario where you could program rules in a Vera or similar, but 1) Z-Wave registers are ~$100/each and you would need to replace most of your registers to get it working, and 2) this seems like one of these kludgy projects that works in theory but fails due to implementation realities.

There are standalone systems coming out to do this (, (, but they too are expensive and it pains me to think about putting in a parallel system that does not integrate.

In the end I just bought one of these and called it a day:

Is there an update to this?

Is there an update to this?

Are you referring to Z-wave register control?

No word on register control quite yet.