Radio test failure GC3

I noticed my ADC app was not updating to the correct arm state. I looked at the sensors and they were also not correct in the history and not showing a recent disarm. I went to the panel and did a cell test and it kept saying “Did not get ACK” and “Waiting for CS response” and eventually a failure.

I did a reboot of the system around 8:30pm EST and tried again, but still got a radio failure. The device is still reporting a 4/6 signal, registered and connected.

I am also concerned that I never received any alert from ADC stating that anything looked wrong or there was a radio failure. My system had activity which had been completely missed. Is there a setting that should be set so radio failure will report from ADC?

My system suddenly went offline around 6:45 PM ET today. I have power cycled the panel but getting the same symptoms. Is there a system wide issue? I came here to get support (my system is only about 2 weeks old but has communicated fine up until this evening) but immediately saw this post.

I see someone on twitter is also have some problems. Someone else on the forum also is reporting a radio modem failure issue. So it might be a system wide issue.

All of a sudden at around 9:35 PM EST, I was getting status updates and the correct info being reported on the ADC app.

It still didn’t have all the sensor history which might be because I reset the panel.

The radio test still had its first step as “Did not get ACK”, but then reported test successful.

I would still like to know if this was a system wide issue? And how to receive no radio communication errors from ADC and on the GC3 panel if this happens again?

Mine is still not working, however it is behaving differently. I now simply get:

Cell radio test started
Waiting for CS response

OK my system is back up and communicating. I agree with David that I would like to understand what happened this evening.

It looks like this was indeed tied to a wider issue affecting certain users and not system specific. Some users’ communication looks to have been affected until about 9:30 PM.

The Radio Modem Network Failure alert on the panel is governed by Q23 in programming on GC2, Q30 on GC3. This is on the panel end however. This directs when the panel will announce comm failure. This can be programmed to be far more sensitive than ADC.

On the end it is handled through Modem pings, 3-5 hours apart. After 3 failures, alerts are sent.