I was having power issues (I thought) with this panel so I bought a new power supply and plugged the panel in next to my bed (normally in the upstairs hall).
Verified it had great WiFi and monitored it for a few days.
Yesterday, on waking, I tried to disarm the system… I touched the screen and it asked for my disarm code.
I got to the 2nd number and it froze, went blank and said it was powering down.
Hearing the countdown from the main panel, I rushed Dnstairs to disarm the system (1 sec early!!!)
Now, it won’t reboot (tried the 30 sec button hold and the 5 sec button press)
The original location (in the hallway) was probably 40-50’. I suspected that so when I plugged it in next to my bed, it was with a NEW power supply and the cord that comes with it. I think it’s about 10-12’ long.
The latest crash was while it was on the NEW power supply with the NEW cord…no modifications.
OK, just making sure. There’s a problem where voltage drop with really long cables can make it so the device can’t charge as quickly as it drains. There should be an error condition for that, but it sounds like thats not the problem!
To clarify, the 9104-840 was being powered by the included 7V power supply but using an existing 40-50’ cable run. The panel lost power
Then, the panel was repowered via 7V power supply and the included barrel cable. The panel powered up via this method, but then powered down on its own again and will not re-power?
If that is the case, the panel is likely experiencing hardware failure.