Qolsys Key Fob - Rule Programming

Hello, I am trying (without success) to create a rule to allow my Qolsys IQ key fob to open my Schlage Connect z-wave locks when the system is disarmed. Any insight anyone might have in this area would be appreciated. Thanks.

You won’t be able to specify the keyfob in the rule, but you would navigate to emPower - Rules and create a new rule in Alarm.com. Select to automate Locks, based on Arming/Disarming and select Disarm. Then choose the locks to be unlocked and save.

Make sure to allow 5 minutes after rule creation before testing.

Thanks, Jason. That worked. I have 2 other questions. Does this system support assigning functions to the other buttons on this key fob? Also, (on a totally different tack) where on the site would I go to add additional features into my subscription (video, etc)? I see the page where the prices are losted, but I can’t find any link. Thanks.


Does this system support assigning functions to the other buttons on this key fob

This would be specific to the panel functionality. Last I had heard, Qolsys was indeed looking to add some sort of automation triggering option in the panel for the lights button, but I do not recall hearing that having come to fruition. I’ll check and see if they have any update.

where on the site would I go to add additional features into my subscription (video, etc)? I see the page where the prices are losted, but I can’t find any link.

Sure, happy to help! At the moment you won’t find those add-ons as purchasable items separately, but if you have an active subscription for the system, you can email customerservice@suretyDIY.com or use our secure message tool to make any change requests for your service plan if you would like to add or remove an extra feature.

Are the “light bulb” and “*” buttons on the top of the IQ FOB-S still useless for home automation purposes? Has Qolsys gotten around yet to adding functionality to them?

No. Local automation on the IQ Panel 2+ is simplified and geared toward builder programs where ADC access may not be set up for a while. I don’t think there is anything implemented for those buttons.