TSB #: 240411
DATE: 04/11/24
New Features:
- Added support for PowerG Home Automation.
- Added support for the PowerG + Devices.
- PGP9945 - Door/Window Contact with External Input.
- PGP9303 - Vanishing Door/Window Contact.
- PGP9914 - Flat PIR Motion Detector.
- PGP9922 - Glass Break Detector.
- PGP9920 – Repeater.
- Added support for Proximity Tags –easily arm/disarm with a tag on supported keypads.
- Added support for Force Arm – allowing auto-bypassed zones to be reactivated if closed while armed.
- Added support for Manual selection of Z-Wave Frequency Region.
- Added new Key Switch Arm and Disarm Only option.
- Added support for the new PGHPHOST9 PowerG Host+
- Added New PGM Rule options.
- Zone Follower now supports all sensor types.
- Bypass rules.
- Troubles rule.
- Burglary Confirmed rule.
- Added support for Global EOL Input selection.
- An Active IQ Installer connection will now Inhibit Arming during Local Programming.
- EU External Bell – Bell Output can be configured for EU external bell compatibility.
- Added support for the IQ Keypad – PowerG keypad.
- Added support for Anti-Masking Trouble – for PowerG devices that support anti masking.
- Added a new Cross Zoning feature – which requires two or more zones to activate before generating an alarm condition.
- Added Non-bypassable Zone attributes – Individual zones can now be programmed to not allow bypassing.
- Temperature Display on LCD Keypads – LCD and TCH keypads can now display indoor and outdoor temperature based on PowerG device temp reporting.
- Added support for Flex I/O sensors.
- Arming from will now fail if a zone is open or in trouble and auto bypass is disabled or force bypass is not selected.
- Corrected an issue with the HS2TCH keypads where in certain cases the Fire, Ambulance and Police, Options and Outputs buttons are greyed out on power up
Update Instructions:
Compatibility Note: Your IQ Pro must be on software version 4.2.1n or higher and connected to Wi-Fi or Ethernet to install this update.
- Connect to IQ Pro utilizing the IQ Installer Interface
- Touch “Configuration”
- Touch “Upgrade Software”
- Touch “Patch Tag” and enter the patch iqpro4.3.0n
- Touch “Yes, I want to upgrade” (panel must be connected to Wi-Fi or Ethernet). Update will download and install
- The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the panel reboots reconnect the IQ Installer Interface