I have a new IQ Panel 4 that will not connect to my wifi network (xfinity). Other devices I have connect fine, but when I go to connect the panel, I see the network, click on it, enter the password, click connect and it just immediately says ‘Stored’ under the network name. Never anything about incorrect password, attempting to connect, or any other status.
I think I have seen that when there is an authentication error. Can you double check your network password?
Reboot the panel (Settings > Advanced Settings > Reboot Panel) then try again after it boots up.
Any change?
Thanks Jason. I’ve done this a couple of times and no change. Other ideas?
Can you send a private message with a photo of the Settings > Advanced Settings > Wifi screen on the panel?
What you are describing is what would happen if the wrong password is entered. That’s most likely what is going on.
If you tap on the SSID in the wifi network list on the panel, then tap Connect, the panel will show “Authenticating” in small print under the network name, then revert to “Saved” when it fails authentication.
Sent private message with a photo of the panel.
The thing is that it never says ‘Authenticating’ - literally as soon as I hit connect that window closes and it reverts to the list of wifi networks with ‘Saved’
Private message received. Once firmware is updated we can continue troubleshooting if this is not resolved.
I have the same thing happening…No matter what I do it will not connect….Just immediately says saved…Did you ever get a resolution
I have the same thing happening…No matter what I do it will not connect….Just immediately says saved…Did you ever get a resolution
Looks like an over the air firmware update likely resolved the issue based on private correspondence. I am not seeing a Surety subscription tied to this question. If you do not use Surety as your service provider, be sure to reach out to your provider for assistance if an OTA update is needed.