"Qolsys IQ Panel 2+" reset installer code

Why would you change codes using the system manager vs. system directly? Is there a reason that effects functions?

The system manager allows remotely resetting your installer code even if you have forgotten the current one.

I’ve a Qolsys Remote set to display time and weather screen. It’s only the time appearing in various places and colors. Never seen the weather or weather warnings. Is this a setup issue or normal?

It looks like you don’t have the related Weather Forecast feature enabled on your plan. Visit the System Manager and you can include that for free on Surety Home or Complete plans.

Had a door sensor go “offline” then “online” 20 minutes later. Have never seen this on previous Simon. Not tripped or tampered, offline.

Offline is a status referencing loss of sensor supervision, the periodic heartbeat signal from sensors. For details on sensor supervision see this thread.