Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Connecting to Default Gateway over Port 443

Does anybody know why an IQ Panel 2 would try to connect to the default gateway over port 443 every few minutes?

I have a firewall rule to block access to the management ports on my firewall and I’m seeing deny log entries for this traffic and I through it was strange. I can’t think of any valid reason for the IQ Panel 2 to be trying to connect to the management interface of my firewall.


I am not sure about that. I don’t see a related Surety subscription? Are you a Surety user?

If not, I wouldn’t be able to upload logs from your system to Qolsys for review, you would need your current provider to do that.

Those logs may help Qolsys identify what is going on. I have sent Qolsys a message seeing if they know off-hand, but I would guess they may need logs.

Thanks Jason,

I don’t actually have a problem since my firewall is blocking this traffic. I just was tying to understand why Qolsys want’s to access the management portal on my firewall.

I’m not aware of a reason for that. Qolsys may be able to help via your panel logs.