All of a sudden I’ve noticed that I am getting a ghost image scrolling across my panel. I tried rebooting and it didn’t do anything.
A handful of previous reports of this were hit or miss on troubleshooting. The panel needed replaced in a couple cases. This is a rare issue on older IQ Panel 2 revisions.
The first thing I would do is power down for 20 minutes. Settings > Advanced Settings > Power Down.
Any change after booting up later?
If not, it would be good to try a firmware upgrade as you are on an older version at the moment. I can push one remotely if you would like.
I’m not home. Go ahead and push a firmware upgrade. I will try the power down later.
The update has been started. When complete you should be on the latest version 2.6.2
Software update didn’t do anything but the 20 minute shutdown has fixed it for the moment.
Happened again. Reboot after 20 minute shutdown worked
Basically, have to power down daily or more now. How hard to swap out to iq4?
The IQ Panel 4 uses the same UI and would be compatible with existing sensors. Swapping it out would be pretty straightforward.
I am sending a firmware update to the panel so that it can support a backup restore to an IQ Panel 4 if you want to try that.
You may want to see if this update also has an impact on the functionality issue you are seeing first.
How do I know if it completes?
I can confirm it has
Thanks. What do i do to make a backup?
Backups are run periodically by automatically or the dealer can run one manually, the end user does not have this ability. The most recent one was run on 1/24/2022. I can run a more recent one if youd prefer, just let us know.
Go ahead and run a backup. What is involved with replacing the panel and restoring backup to new panel? Does that restore all the sensors , Hardwire translator and connection to IQ remote? I assume at the very least the cellular connection has to be manually restored.
A backup has been run at this time.
The backup restore process for IQ Panel 2 to IQ Panel 4 only passes sensor programming.
Z-Wave devices and Secondary panel pairing would need to be setup at the new panel after the restoral process completes.
The backup restore process is as follows:
A backup/restore can be run to apply RF sensor programming, User Codes, and panel programming to the new panel. This process can be performed during normal business hours.
The process for the backup restore is as follows:
- Run a backup (I have done this now)
- Once the new panel is received and you are ready to start the process:
- Do not program the new panel beforehand and leave it powered down.
- Power down the old panel: power supply first, then internal battery
- Private Messsage us with the new panel’s 15-digit IMEI number
- We will send commands to begin the restoral process and confirm this has been sent.
- The restoral can take 20-30 mintues. During this time, do not add any devices to the new panel or send any arming disarming commands or make any programming changes to the new panel.
- Once finished, you would run a cell test to confirm communication.
- Once the restoral is finished, you can clear/add Z-Wave devices from the new panel and add any remaining devices that dont get passed in the restoral.
The iq2 power was direct wired into the circuit board.
Can I do this with the iq4. I only see the plug jack. Also do I power up the new unit to get imei?
Yes, it works a bit differently. Theres not internal terminal block on the IQ Panel 4 but you can use the existing wired connection and plug the +/- wires into the back plate.
See page 12 of the installation manual for reference.
When powering the IQP4, ensure you are using the 7V power supply included with the IQP4 and that if you are using existing wiring, ensure it meets the printed requirements (refer to page 12 again):
Use 18AWG wire no longer than 98.5ft to ensure sufficient power is received at the panel.
- The minimum permissible wire size shall not be smaller than 22 AWG
IMEI number for the IQP4 is found on the back plate, on the side of the box the panel comes in and through programming Settings > ADvanced Settings > About > Cellular
Sent imei
It is powered on. The only thing I did was connect to WiFi. I did get message dual path not enabled.
Followed up in private message.
How do u see private message?