Push Notifications not working of one location

I have two 2 Gig alarm systems. One system, all my push notifications work fine. The second location (a SuretyDIY account), I get no notifications. I used to receive them but no longer. I can log into the ios app and view the status and I can change the temperature on my z-wave thermostat. So it appears to communicate okay. Any idea why I don’t receive notifications?

Any idea why I don’t receive notifications?

According to history, push notifications are being successfully sent to an iPad and an iPhone.

Two have been sent this morning in fact. Can you verify you are referencing the correct account if there are two.

Looks like this morning there would have been two login notifications: one Failed access notification and one Successful login notification. Did you not receive these?

Warren, you are correct! Over the weekend I kept trying to update notifications.
Last night a family member entered the wrong Kwikset z-wave key code. This sent a tamper alert to my phone.
I did not receive a tamper alert on my ipad.

Now this morning I received a tamper alert on the front door lock.
Do I have this configured wrong?? The push notification should sent me an alert when the device is locked, not tampered.

I don’t see a notification for Lock activity.

Device tampers are covered under the “System Actions to Watch” notification.

If Lock activity notifications are desired, you would need to select New Notification and then select Lock Activity.

Warren, thanks!
I’ve made some changes with notifications. I will let you know if I have any further issues.
Thanks for the help!