Problems with ADC SEM 300 installation

I have an ADT Safewatch 3000, with 2 5150 keypads and 5881 rf sensor receiver.

I updated to vista firmware, removed the HSPIM/pulse gateway . Reset account and enabled downloader and enabled keypad 8. Installed th ADT SEM, activated the account, and logged on to

Operates and reports status on app.

However, the keypads report ready but flash a dF in display. The keys on the keypads beep when pressed but the system seem to ignore the key presses. Also cannot arm system from Opening and closing doors report proper zone and goes fro ready, to not ready, back to ready.

SEM LEDs indicate it is communicating on cell an hardwire internet.

Help needed.

Is the top LED light flashing on the sem-300? If it is, what is the pattern it is doing?

Does the master code on the app match the code on the keypad?

No, the trouble LED is not lit.
The next LED is lit 2 seconds followed by short flash indicating both Cell and Hardwire internet.
Next LED indicates 1-3 bars of cell.

Where do I find master code on app. When I set up account, I only remember it asking for installer code.

Yes master code under user profile is correct.

Would you be able to perform a power cycle? This can be done by unplugging the transformer and then the battery for a few seconds. Then connect the battery followed by the transformer. The keypad will do a few beeps and there will be a few different things display on the keypad. Do not touch the keypad for about 15 minutes.

The master code can be found on the app by pressing More > Users > first user should say master code under it. Press on the first user > Under the name there should be the master code to arm and disarm the system.

If it isn’t the same, then the code needs to be synced. Could you set the master to the default 1234 and change it from the app.

Step 1: Change master code to default
On the keypad, enter Master Code + 8 + 02 + 1234 + 1234 there should be a ding from the keypad confirming the change.

Step 2: Change master code to your preffered code
Change the master code on the app by pressing More > Users > first user should say master code under it > Press the code under the name > Change code and press save

I did several power cycles. I have not touched since the last one. Flashes dF and beeps.

The keypad will not accept input.

It looks like it got stuck on performing the zone scan. Could you perform another power cycle.

What is the version of your panel? It should be on a sticker on the main panel.

Are you using the provided power wire for the Sem-300 to get power from the battery instead of the panel?

Config of panel

Z3488 R

I wired power to panel not battery. Should I change it to battery for the power cycle?

Config is SAVS20P5
Z348 R

Yes please. It should look like this.

Updated power to battery.
Powered up
Steady d1 to start.
Then to Alternating CC and dF
Then just dF.

Are we done for evening?

Is there a sticker that looks something like this? With a revision number and year?

REV 10.26.
Above is the sticker.

2024 and 10.26 is definitely not to old. :grin:

Tool says I reached the maximum replies for today.

I have the ADT Prom I took out.
2018 Rev 9.12

Thank you for the version information. So that I can best assist can you provide a clear photo of the SEM wiring at the panel bus terminals and at the SEM terminals?

I disconnected the SEM, and put Safewatch PROM back in.

WA3000 9.12
2018 Rev 9.12

Re ran SEM install procedure (reset account and enabled keypad 8.

The dF code went away and the alarm now operates properly. Maybe new prom was not seated properly or is bad, problem fixed!!!

Thank you for the help.