3 year old system, Simon XT, never had any previous connection problem, no recent changes.
Panel having trouble connecting to the GSM network both from Alarm.com phone app,and on home computer. Notification: Panel-not responding (i.e. Alarm.com cannot communicate with panel, nor recognize or change alarm status)
The ATT cellular network is fine, my phone confirms that. (Though phone is 3g, ADC is 2g)
The radio signal strength on panel is dropping in and out intermittantly: sometimes zero, sometimes 14 (high) every few minutes.
When I test signal strength on Simon XT panel it says:
Registering … Idle (when signal strength 14 bars (high))
or it says
GSM frequency not available (when signal strength 0)
Radio registering updating (signal strength 0)
Everything on the panel is functioning fine otherwise. Comm test stays at “GSM comm test in progress…” with no change. I have not been able to try comm test with signal at 14 yet, it seems like it’s at 0 most of the time, and 14 some of the time. I have tried disconnecting power and battery to reset, it seems to sometimes bring the signal back to 14 for a short time, but not always.
There are status lights on the back of the radio module.
The notification/warning light L1 is blinking 3 times when signal is good (14)
The notification/warning light L1 is blinking 6 times then 3 times when signal is 0.
The signal strength indicator light L4 is blinking 3 times when signal is good (3x is fine and good enough), and none when signal is 0.
From Simon XT manual:
Light Blinking 3 x: The module is trying to register on the GSM network. If it
persists for more than a few minutes, the module is
having problems registering with the GSM network. Check
L4 for signal level.(L4 signal level indicator is at 3 flashes-good, and 0 flashes when signal drops) If the signal is good, the module may be roaming
on a GSM network that does not partner with our GSM
Light blinking 6 x: This is an error only if it persists for more than a minute. (Yes, it’s persisting when signal level is 0, and stops when signal level is 14)
Otherwise, it’s just an indication that the module is fixing
an unusual condition regarding communication with the
GSM network.
The ATT cellular network is fine, my phone confirms that. (Though phone is 3g, ADC is 2g)
That’s your problem.
ADC discontinued the 2G ATT and Tmobile cellular modules back in 2012-2013 as carrier support was ending.
ATT 2G cellular will appear sporadically across the country and on January 1, 2017, the 2G wireless network will sunset and cease to exist nationwide. In most areas it is already offline, and everyday it goes offline somewhere else. looks like your area just went offline.
Intermittently registering a solid signal and dropping to zero with no other gradient of signal strengths may simply indicate a loose connection - perhaps either the antenna or the module.
Can you verify the module is securely fastened and the antenna is securely plugged in? It may be a good idea to power down the panel completely and remove, reseat the module.
If that does not affect the performance, then it may be time for a 3G module. The 2G service sunset won’t hit all areas evenly, but service interruptions are more likely.
Riven, good to know, but that does not explain intermittancy. I will look into that for the future also though. I have ATT and Verizon here. I just called verizon and they say they never had 2G, only 1G. Does that mean that any Verizon module is going to be 3G automatically?
Jason, yes, the module is screwed on tightly and antennae has been reconnected and unit fully powered off before posting all this.
I just spoke with ATT, my module is ATT, and they said there have been no cell tower issues/problems in this area, and that 2G coverage is current. The map shows it as 3rd party. They gave a date of Jan 1 2017 as when to switch service to 3G, and said customers would be warned (I could imagine it happening at any time though with a few months warning).
Please confirm there has been no change somehow with ATT to ADC network connection, or ADC’s connection to my equipment.
My signal has stabilized at 14 bars, very good. ATT says there is no network problem in my area, so it seems that I am connected to the network, but failing in connecting to ADC, as if the panel is no longer registered or something.
Furthermore, when I press “status” on simon panel, there is no warning regarding communication failure. So this leads me to believe the panel is communicating and connected to the network, but ADC is somehow not connected to the panel and receiving the signal.
According to this information below, it appears that
“the module is
having problems registering with the GSM network.” and/or
“the module may be roaming
on a GSM network that does not partner with our GSM
I was able to get my radio signal to stabilize at 14 bars (very good).
When I do a Comm Test, it says “GSM comm test in progress….” for about 2 or 3 minutes, then it goes back to standby with no error message and no confirmation. Signal is strong before and after test.
The L1 indicator lamp on back of module is blinking 3x, over and over.
The L4 signal level is blinking 3x indicating a good signal.
From Simon XT manual:
Light Blinking 3 x: The module is trying to register on the GSM network. If it
persists for more than a few minutes, the module is
having problems registering with the GSM network. Check
L4 for signal level.(L4 signal level indicator is at 3 flashes=good) If the signal is good, the module may be roaming
on a GSM network that does not partner with our GSM
So, again, it seems that the panel is communicating and connected to the network, but ADC is somehow not connected to the panel and receiving the signal.
Is this 3G or 2G? A previous post said that this 152 panel could be either.
Modules with firmware 152 are 2G modules.
We see no connection activity on this account. In general, capability stated by the carrier support regarding 2G may not be very accurate regarding machine to machine network communication.
It is also important to consider that the 2G network will not remain unchanged in terms of capability until 2017 as though a switch is thrown at that time, its resources are being systematically and gradually repurposed for LTE. 97% of a tower’s resources may already be restructured.
The module signal may be able to reach a 2G connection, but limitation of data resources may be causing registration to repeatedly fail.
Ultimately, should you have signalling troubles with a 2G module, the best course to resolve is to update to a newer generation module.