PowerG smoke "not networked" and now "failure"

Yesterday I swapped the iq 2+ for the iq 4. I had to input each shock sensor manually using their s/n because unlike the recessed d/w sensors, they would not pair to panel by removing the case or tampering. I noticed that after pairing them their status on the panel showed as "not networked. This was an easy fix because after trial and error I seemingly had to tamper them after pairing in order to be networked and functioning normally.

The issue I now have is that the PowerG smoke detector that I had, which worked completely well before the swap now shows “failure” on the powerg test from the panel. Before this status it had the infamous “not networked” status. I can’t seem to figure out why it isn’t working. Everything was fine when it was on the iq 2. Like the shock sensors mentioned above, the smoke also did not want to pair to panel by tampering it. So I had to use the device id/sn to manually add it to panel.

Not networked means the PowerG device hasn’t yet communicated with the panel. This might go away normally with supervision, but generally when manually adding a device, you need to then trip the sensor or tamper it to start communication with the panel.

Did you tamper the smoke after adding it?

Yes, I did, and now it’s in “failure” status

Double check the TXID if that was manually entered. The last four digits specifically may contain a typo.

Try pulling power from the Smoke detector for at least 60 seconds. Then after powering up, wait a minute and tamper the smoke. Any change?

The ID was correct but it’s working now I did these steps below:
1-pulled power
2-removed failed smoke detector from the system
3-added smoke detector back manually with ID
4-inserted batteries to power on
5-after about 10-20 seconds it beeped and panel recognized the smoke
6-mounted detector back on ceiling

Running a powerg test on it showed strong signal again so everything seems back to normal.

Thank you so much Jason!

Thank you for confirming!