Power Lost - Panel Power Failure

The Panel Power Failure trouble condition indicates the control panel is experiencing a loss of AC power, which can impact remote commands, Z-Wave communication, and more.

  • Note: If both AC and battery power are lost, the expected trouble condition would be a Panel Not Responding.

How to resolve:

  1. Reconnect the panel’s AC power. Verify all connections are secure and the outlet is working.
  2. If the trouble condition continues, disconnect the AC power and then disconnect the battery power (if applicable). Once the panel is off, reconnect the battery power and then reconnect the AC power. When able:
    • Disarm the panel first,
    • Then power down through programming (if applicable)
    • Disconnect power supply from outlet, never remove wires from panel before disconnecting power at outlet.
    • Open panel and disconnect internal battery.
  • See below for panel specific instructions on how to power cycle. Steps will also resolve poor/no signaling.
  1. If the trouble condition continues, verify the voltage is sufficient via multimeter. For panel-specific information about power requirements, refer to the panel-specific guides in the associated manual.
  2. Test alternate power outlet.

The power went out and now my panel is unresponsive, what can I do?

Most panels have a built in battery backup. If new and working correctly, this should provide about 24 hours of backup power.

Without power, panel and device control will cease to function. Power will need to be restored in order to resolve the issue. Should you continue to have issues after power has restored, follow the above steps.