Power Loss Notification

Last night out power went out for about 3 hours. Neither the panel audio nor Alarm.com indicated a power loss.

I checked the online settings and power loss should trigger a notice via text.

Where should I look on the 2Gig settings?

PS- the forum is blocking ATT logins by IP.

the forum is blocking ATT logins by IP.

We do not block any ISP, if that is what you mean, but IP’s might be locked out temporarily if there are multiple failed login attempts.

I checked the online settings and power loss should trigger a notice via text.

Where should I look on the 2Gig settings?

Check Q38 and Q52. These govern the time limit for detection of AC loss and whether reports are forwarded. Q39 staggers the report to a random time within 45 minutes (so the CS doesn’t receive a bunch at once from a major outage)

I do not see a power loss event in history for last night. Was the power loss the whole home?

If it was out for 3 hours, you may wish to check the back-up battery. Was the panel functional during that time? At what time did you experience the outage? We can check to see if there were any other signals at all from the panel during that time.

Power went out to about 1500 homes in our area. We were dead from 0400 to about 0630.

The backup battery was AOK when I switched everything around a couple of months ago. The panel was lit but I didn’t look closely. It was functioning though because I disarmed it to go into the garage.

I checked Q38 and Q39. I’ll look at Q52 tonight.

We were dead from 0400 to about 0630.

Interesting, I see the disarm event you are referencing I believe, along with a bit of other activity during that time, so it looks like communication was up. No power loss report however. Let us know what you see for Q52. What was your Q38 set at?

I’m pretty sure Q38 was 10 and Q39 was Yes.Or the other way around.

Q52 is enabled.

Hmm. Did your panel itself announce power loss last night? It would be a trouble condition. You can check in the panel history. Security - Menu - Toolbox - System History

It did not.

The only entries shown the system history are Arm/Disarm events.

That would indicate the panel never registered an AC loss, so it never would have transmitted one to ADC, so the rest of what we are seeing makes sense.

Unfortunately unless the panel did not truly lose power I’m not sure why it would otherwise fail to register an outage after 2.5 hours - as long as the settings you mentioned were not changed. This would need to be tested at the panel. Look for an “AC Loss” event to occur.

You can always test this out by unplugging the panel power transformer and letting it run for a while.

Just to be sure, you don’t have the panel plugged into an UPS of any kind right?

I do!

But I shut down the UPS shortly after the lights went out.

I’m going to unplug the power supply today and see exactly what happens.

Unplugged the power supply in our utility closet last night. The AC power icon on the 2 Gig panel never changed!

Here are some details I probably should have included initially:

  • There is a battery pack installed inside our panel.
  • My main battery and charger are in a utility closet with a takeover module (where the old alarm system was installed).
  • The panel is mounted on the other end of the house.

My assumption is the panel receives power from a totally separate circuit and has nothing to do with the battery/charger in the utility closet. But shouldn’t it still notify at the loss of AC power?

The 2GIG Panel would not be (should not be) powered off of the old alarm panel board.

It should be powered off of its own plug-in transformer. The 2GIG Panel comes with a 14VDC wall transformer. This would be plugged in somewhere delivering power to the 2GIG Panel.

Hmmmm… I’m pretty sure it is.

When I “flashed” the panel I unplugged the transformer in the closet and disconnected the internal battery pack.

Unplugged the power supply in our utility closet last night. The AC power icon on the 2 Gig panel never changed!
When I “flashed” the panel I unplugged the transformer in the closet and disconnected the internal battery pack.

That would make sense then, I am guessing you didn’t pull the old panel battery when you unplugged the transformer.

If the brick battery was still plugged in, the old panel board would still be delivering Aux power and the 2GIG panel would then still have power input. You would only see an “AC Loss” notification from the 2GIG Panel once the Brick 12VDC battery in the old metal can died.

In general this type of setup is not recommended. The 2GIG Panel shouldn’t be powered off of a different power source than the included adapter for best performance (also for warranty purposes, but it sounds like this panel is likely one that has been installed a while). Underpowering the panel can have detrimental and unexpected effects on the attached modules like the cellular, sensor, and Z-wave radio, and it is possible depending on the power cable length and gauge. If it has been working for you there is likely no immediate need to change it, but if you do see any power irregularities this should be the first thing to look at.