Power failure and automated phone call

I had a power failure yesterday that lasted about 4 hours. An hour or so into it I got an automated phone call from the monitoring center number that said my system had reported a low battery.

However the panel did not indicate a low battery and a check of the event buffer for the system shows the ac power loss event followed by the restore event with no low battery or other events between. A check of the alarm.com event history is identical.

So I’m wondering why the phone call that indicated a low battery. Was it supposed to say ac power loss instead and there was something wrong with the automated phone call?

Curious as I was concerned initially when I received that the battery was not working right since I would expect it to last longer than one hour before it would get low.


Yep, it looks like the E301 power failure event when forwarded to the monitoring station was picked up as a Low Battery. It was the correct event code, they just have the description wrong on your account for some reason.

An E302 is low system battery.

I’ll reach out to the monitoring station and get that resolved.

Thank you!