Possible firmware bug in 2GIG GC2 v1.19

I recently updated my 2GIG GC2 panel firmware from 1.17 to 1.19.

I noticed two issues:

• Image Sensor (201.10) was no longer connected to panel/alarm.com (it is possible that I caused this issue myself as I held in the IS reset more than 2 seconds for reboot)

• Dealer logo on both CP and TS1 defaulted back to ‘gocontrol’. (This may also be a result of my 3G cell module. I have noticed a glitchy cellular connection since the update…panel giving verbal arming status notifications out of the blue, random/occassional significant delays in arming/disarming).

I did resolve the IS issue, but it required defaulting it, removing zone from panel, and re-adding zone/pairing the device back into it. This course of action may be problematic for some, and I don’t think it was intended.

As for SuretyCAM logo, they are still gone (which is a minor issue), and may need to be pushed back (usually panel connects for a small OTA update after firmware upgrade).

Usually this kind of issue only occurs if I reflash the same firmware twice, and the OTA update doesn’t occur the second time around.

It is possible as well that CP may be failing. I Dunno.

Perhaps Surety/ADC can run some backend diagnostics.

my panel did a reset on Saturday and is now showing the same thing. I am seeing the GO control pane as well. I have not seen any degraded in performance but I am seeing the go logo instead of the Surety logo.

my panel did a reset on Saturday and is now showing the same thing.

I think Sat is when it did the last ‘out of the blue’ verbal arming status notifcation.

This may have been a result of the CP rebooting for some unknown reason.

Dealer logo on both CP and TS1 defaulted back to ‘gocontrol’.

This is expected and there is no concern here. It is related to this thread.

The GoControl Panel branding has been disabled as a preventative measure for a possible issue with new Go!Control users. This is not a symptom of anything else.

I have noticed a glitchy cellular connection since the update…panel giving verbal arming status notifications out of the blue, random/occassional significant delays in arming/disarming).

These may be symptoms of an issue. I’ve not noticed any specific issues on 1.19, but firmware changes can certainly have an effect.

Have you noticed these things basically since the update and never before it?

How long ago was the update?

Regarding the delays, try powering down the system fully for at least two full minutes, then power back up. Wait a little while then run a cell phone test. Afterward test some commands. Any delays?

I updated the firmware last week. The issues seem to be since update. I will try the power down suggestion later.