Do the actual Panning controls work? Can you use the PT features for that camera?
PTCamera1 viewed 4:11:35 - Connecting…
@ 4:12:35 - Connecting…
@ 4:13:35 - Connecting…
PT Control Testing - Working.
PTCamera1 viewed 4:15:35 - Connecting…
It is very interesting that the PT would function. I would typically say it is likely a damaged camera, but given your network specifics, that may not necessarily be the case. One quick way to determine this would be to connect this camera on a different network. Keep in on DHCP and add it in using a friend’s/employer’s/family’s network.
Also, just to be certain, can you verify that with the 610PT, during the reset process, you held the reset button down for roughly 1 minute? That model requires a long button press for this.
I can remove the PT1 camera and add it to a different network connection to the internet and see what it does. I would remove all firewall rules for the camera and do a factory reset (number 5) on it, then add it back to account. For all resets I have held for 60-70 seconds because I knew they had a long factory reset time.
Factory reset and independant network. Same results. No video but control of camera. Emailing you device info on other network.
I’ve updated with this info. I would presume this camera itself is failing, given all evidence. I will update this post with suggestions.
I moved it back to main network last night. Do you want me to move it back to independent network again?
The camera on the independent network had the 100% same abilities and problem as when on main network.
I have jury duty today so I might not be home for much back-to-back communication. In the end I want to have my cameras on the network they are on now and they are currently all set with all traffic in/out.
Main network is fine. I simply wanted to verify whether router settings were causing an issue. With cameras in general, no video but other network access typically indicates either a specific video port is not open or the camera itself is damaged/malfunctioning.
Any idea how long for to have a resolution or cause?
When was the last time this camera was used successfully?
Given the details provided and testing until this point, it is almost certainly a camera malfunction. If you tested it on a completely open network to the same result, it acts the same way whether hardwired or wireless, another of the same model works on the same network/account, have reset/power cycled, removed and re-added, the camera is the only thing left.
If you replace it, I would recommend purchasing an X20 model over an X10 for more forward compatibility.