PG9936 trouble / dirty

Today one of my smoke detectors (system installed 10 months ago) starting throwing a “dirty” signal. It does not look dirty. Tried vacuuming it. No help. Tried replacing batteries. No help.

Question 1: I’m assuming the unit is defective. Will you replace the unit under warranty ?

Question 2: Right now the batteries are removed (so as to silence the unit until it can be replaced). BUT, the alarm panel says it’s Normal ! ! Seems like it should say Fault or something. Please advise since this is causing me to loose faith.


To confirm, you are seeing a Yellow flash every 8 seconds on the units onboard LED? IF so the unit should be removed from the base and the sensing chamber vacuumed out with a small brush attachment.

Detector dirty and low battery are not the same, changing the batteries on a sensor with a dirty sensing chamber is not likely to resolve the issue.

If there are no batteries, the system should report a loss of supervision at the next supervision interval. Looks like your system is set to the default for PowerG Emergency sensors, which is 4 hours.

So we can ensure we are looking at the correct device history, what is the name of the smoke detector in programming? If it has been removed, what is the 7 digit sensor ID from the unit?