PG9935 sensor falsing and cannot bypass

Hey, I have a PG9935 falsing indicating shock. Its been working fine for a year. My immediate problem is that even after I bypass the sensor after a few minuets I get a message from the surety app saying “end of bypass”. Please help.

Bypass is a temporary status. Bypass for a sensor will end anytime the panel is disarmed from an armed state.

If you are looking to disable the sensor on a more permanent basis until you can troubleshoot, it can be deleted instead.

Settings > Advanced Settings > Installer Code > Installation > Devices > Security Sensors > Delete Sensor.

My immediate problem is that even after I bypass the sensor after a few minuets I get a message from the surety app saying “end of bypass”.

I am not seeing any Surety subscription linked to this username. If you use Surety as your service provider, so that we can best assist and view your account history, etc., please send us a private message confirming your account holder name and address.

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