Panel flaking out every couple of weeks

Hi - I have another public posting somewhere on here, but figured I’d start over. Panel, every 2-3 weeks, starts reporting smoke offline. Changed smoke sensor batteries - no go. Over about an hour, additional smoke sensors start reporting in as failed supervision. Opening a door or window, does not trigger the panel while this is happening. So while only smokes report in, all sensors go offline at that time.

Rebooting the panel (by going into setup, end, save changes - with no changes made) fixes this for another 2-3 weeks.

Tried already:

  • replaced batteries in affected smokes
  • reboot (fixes it short time)
  • updated to latest firmware
  • reseated wireless module

So. Not sure what next. I don’t want to dump more money into a GC2 if I can switch to a GC3. Looking at my account, can I do that pretty easily? Is it just a panel plus remote keypad and remote screens swap?

Thanks in advance for helping me point in a good direction.

I’m familiar with the prior info, and yes swapping to the GC3 for the most part is one for one with compatible sensors, etc.

Image Sensors and TS1s would need to be replaced. It looks like this system has a few TS1s which would need replaced.

– replaced batteries in affected smokes – reboot (fixes it short time) – updated to latest firmware – reseated wireless module

It is best in this case to ignore the fact that smoke detectors are the ones showing offline.

All sensors are failing communication, which means that it is a transceiver issue. We have seen this happen due to 1.10.1 firmware, and updates resolved it usually in those cases.

You may instead have either a failing transceiver or failing panel.

The XCVR2 would be installed in your panel. This is the device which listens to alarm sensor transmissions.

The transceiver would be easy to test as it is just a quick physical swap while powered down. No tools required. As a less expensive route it may be best to test first.

If you are interested in swapping to a GC3 anyway, that would cover both possible problems of course.

Many thanks for looking into that for me. I just ran the math - to go GC3, it’d be nearly $1k. Not sure it’s worth it for the minor jump up. Conversely, I just ran the numbers on going with the Quolsys 2 setup - between panel, 2 remotes, the translator to use my sensors, new smokes - around 1200 to play that game.

Gut says as you suggested, swap the radio - see what happens. If it’s the panel and the issue returns - how long of a return period do I get on the radio? That may change my mind on going with a new system.

Net-net, what I really want to add as a feature is the ability to control Hue, or similar. Hue is a bit cheaper ironically than z-wave RGBW bulbs and I already have a bunch of it sitting around idling. So I was thinking of adding a VeraPlus, making it my primary controller for all zwave, adding HUE to that and then adding the GC2 as a secondary controller. In that setup - will ADC and the panel allow me to control the HUE? I know it’s unrelated to the main topic - but with all the hardware involved, I am trying to build a budget and plan.

Many thanks again - please let me know your thoughts with this additional info. And frankly - an opinion on IQ2 vs GC3 would be great. I’ve been following them as they came on the market and it’s 50-50 at a glance (the snapshot of person disarming is a nice add-on for IQ2, though I have 1080p coverage of that area already).


how long of a return period do I get on the radio?

suretyDIY purchases all have a 30 day return policy. Should be enough time to test for you.

So I was thinking of adding a VeraPlus, making it my primary controller for all zwave, adding HUE to that and then adding the GC2 as a secondary controller. In that setup – will ADC and the panel allow me to control the HUE? can only ever control devices which are compatible with the Alarm panels or itself.

Hue lighting is not compatible unfortunately at this time. You wouldn’t be able to do this.

For lighting integration you would need Z-wave or Lutron RadioRa2/Caseta.

We will push the Hue suggestion, but if memory serves the issue was that Hue is a zigbee product, which is not used by the panels for automation.

You may be able to use the state of a Z-wave switch to influence Hue lights using the Vera. If the Vera can control a bunch of Hue lights when a Z-wave switch turns on, then you have a sort of virtual relay. You just couldn’t control individual Hue lights in ADC or set up direct rules.

And frankly – an opinion on IQ2 vs GC3 would be great. I’ve been following them as they came on the market and it’s 50-50 at a glance (the snapshot of person disarming is a nice add-on for IQ2, though I have 1080p coverage of that area already).

There are going to be numerous similarities given the purpose and design of the two. One of the main differences would be in supported devices/features.

Currently, the IQ Panel 2 supports S-Line encrypted wireless sensors, whereas the GC3 does not support any encrypted options. In the future the IQ Panel 2 is supposed to get Power G sensor compatibility as well we have been told.

On the flip-side the GC3 is said to be getting partition support. Partitions allow you to arm defined groups of sensors independently of one another. This is usually a commercial focused feature but can be used for detached buildings/garage etc.

Many thanks as usual. Good info - sounds like I just need to get rid of my HUE stuff (been sitting for about 3 years without use) and start buying z-wave bulbs. Old house - so switches are hard (most are 2 wire and typically inline thereby excluding a switch installation). Issue with ZW bulbs is they are typically super low lumen in output. Heck, most LED bulbs are. I was surprised to find some 1200 lumen bulbs at Lowes one day - but color, good luck getting past around 850.

I’ll order a new 900 module and let’s wee where that goes.

One last question - totally unrelated, when I was pricing the GC3, I found a Verizon sled and a Verizon LTE sled - with quite a price spread. What’s the real difference there? I assume that with Verizon regular, voice and data can’t flow at the same time - like their phones. With LTE that’s probably not an issue. My AT&T coverage is crap around here (I’m on them for phones) but VZW works really well so if I go down that road, would love to understand why one vs the other on the same carrier.


What’s the real difference there? I assume that with Verizon regular, voice and data can’t flow at the same time – like their phones. With LTE that’s probably not an issue. My AT&T coverage is crap around here (I’m on them for phones) but VZW works really well so if I go down that road, would love to understand why one vs the other on the same carrier.

The LTE modules have faster data and provide better coverage in some high population areas and are a future proofing option. CDMA will eventually be dismantled and re-purposed like AT&T’s 2G network sundown. LTE will be an infrastructure option for longer.

Hi folks - I have the replacement XCVR2 - what is the process to swap it? Not the installation itself, that I know - but do I need to call ADC to suspend since there will be a tamper? Beyond that anything else needed to register it? Once it’s in, do I need to do anything to register my sensors and TC1s?


A tamper will not generate an actual alarm unless your panel is armed at the time. If you have 24/7 Central Station Monitoring it is never a bad idea to place your account on test mode when making manual changes however, just in case. (as a clarification, you would not be contacting ADC, is not the central station)

You can contact the central station at 855-348-0367 to place your account on test.

Beyond that anything else needed to register it? Once it’s in, do I need to do anything to register my sensors and TC1s?

No. Nothing further is needed.