Panel control with SmartThings?

Hi, I have been looking through the forum at years’ old threads, but not really seeing what I am looking for. Hoping someone can help me out.

I have a 2Gig GC3e main panel and a secondary panel upstairs connected via WiFi. I don’t have any other Zwave devices in the house.

I would like to centralize all my devices to a SmartThings hub. Is there ANY way to arm/disarm the panel through SmartThings? I would love to do everything on the single app, if possible.

Thanks for the help!


You’re not able to arm the panel via Z-wave radio. There is no way to directly control the arming status through a Smartthings app. Smartthings would just be a parallel controller for Z-wave devices, giving control of them by ADC and Smartthings. Smartthings does not gain any control of the panel itself.