NX-8V2 Registration Problems

Hi, I’m a new subscriber, and trying to get my Interlogix NX-8V2 to connect to Alarm.com/surety. I ran the test (*[4][4]) which ran the siren, for 40 seconds, but I’m not seeing an update on the system manager page.

Recently purchased the house, and the previous owner did not know the installer code or previous operator (and I’ve verified it isn’t the default). He did say that they were using it with Alarm.com, so I’m hoping the cellular module settings are correct (Location 37 Segment 2 Bit 7)…although without the installer code I can’t verify.

This seems similar to this thread Running a Cell Test on NX8e Panel.

Can support check to see if the registration went through and send a ping?

I would recommend trying another cell test. I have sent a couple commands to the system.

Your system manager page may update now that I sent those, but the panel has not yet communicated at all so you will not be able to login yet.

Try another cell test, wait about 5 minutes, if no change, try one more and let us know when complete.

Thanks for the help.

I was prompted to create a login for alarm.com, and it looks like it’s communicating. Ran another test alarm for 40 seconds, it doesn’t show in alarm.com, but it’s showing other events (opening/closing doors, etc). It seems to have all the sensors, but the names aren’t there, I’m hoping that will populate over time?

How does it look on your side?

Once it’s in good shape, I’ll want to reset the installer code so I can document that for the future. Is there a way to request that once the system is enrolled?

Yes, it looks like the panel is signaling well now.

For many panel types, you can adjust the installer code in our system manager. This is not currently available for the NX. For the NX, send us a private message requesting the installer code change.

Excellent, thank you!

Alarm.com is still showing the sensors with generic name (e.g. " Contact (10) Opened/Closed"). Will that eventually be populated with the names in my local system, or should I go through and enter the names in Alarm.com?

I’ve sent a command to request the sensor names from the system. Allow a few minutes to see if that syncs up. Should update within about 5 minutes.

Awesome, they’re showing up now, thank you!